Nov 20, 2010


So at 6:00 in the morning on Oct 6th I woke up went to the bathroom peed on a pregnancy stick and two minutes later found out I was pregnant for the first time in my life. YAY! best news ever, right. Sadly though two weeks ago I had my first ultrasound I was 8 weeks pregnant and the Doctor told me the baby was only 6 weeks. I had to wait until monday to here from my OBGYN what was going on. She told me there was a tare in the placenta and the baby probably stopped growing, she ordered blood work and another Ultrasound just to confirm it 100% but we pretty much knew what the outcome was. We took each day one at a time still holding on to any ounce of hope we had. Finally thought this Wednesday morning I started spotting and knew the inevitable had finally happened. Later that night the bleeding got so heavy I had to go to emergency, we checked in at 9:30 pm on wednesday and at 9:00 am on Thursday we finally saw the OBGYN she ordered an ultrasound to see if all the tissue had passed or not. She said probably not because I was still bleeding so heavily. We waited and waited and waited and finally at 3:00 pm on Thursday my OBGYN came up and said not all the tissue has passed and we need to do a D&C. My face was as pail as a ghost and she asked the nurses if I had still been bleeding heavily throughout the day, they said yes, and she got very upset asking why she was not informed of this ( I would hate to be those Nurses after everything is all said and done I am sure they got a pretty good lecture). They sent me away for the surgery and an hour later I was awake and told I could go home once I started feeling up to it. I lost so much blood that if the doctor had not finally come up when she did they would have probably had to do a blood transfusion. So bed rest for 48 hours and lots of fluids and hopefully by tomorrow I will be back to feeling physically like my old self. I know emotionally though this will take some time for Mark and I to heal but we are optimistic that if we have finally gotten pregnant it can happen again and hopefully everything will go well next time. Thanks again to all the support and prayers from family and friends and we again are optimistic that in a year or two we will be able to welcome our first child into this world.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how to express how sorry I am about this news. It does bring hope to know that you did conceive though and surely it will happen again. You and Mark continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.
