Dec 15, 2010

2011 GOALS!!!!

I am so excited for a new year and the idea of thinking of new goals to accomplish and achieve. This year I of course want to keep up with everything I did last year, but would like to add a few new goals to achieve and new ideas to try for the year. So hear it goes.

#1. The temple trip thing did not happen as much this year as I would have liked, so again to try and go to the temple at least 6 times this year or more would be ideal.

#2. I have a serious addiction to clothes shopping, especially when I lose 30 lbs in one year so this year I get a jar and in that jar I have $300 and that is all I get to spend on clothes for the year, plus an extra $150 if I can get to my goal weight by the end of May.

#3. My meals have become very routine lately, I need to try some new items or I am afraid my husband might find a new wife. So I am going to try a new meal every month. That would be 12 new meals to learn for the year. Hoping to try and learn 8 healthy ones and 4 really unique difficult ones. I will let you know how they go.

#4. This is my most challenging goal for the year and one I know I have needed to work on for a while, and of course not just for the year but for the rest of my life. I need to be kinder and more Christ like to others, not lots of others just certain people in particular. For some reason I really struggle with being loving and kind towards certain individuals, once I dislike someone I really dislike them. I know the only way to get through this is with the help of my Savior and Prayer.

#5. I am hoping to run in a 5KM race on January 1st, a 10KM race on March 12th,a half marathon in april, a super sprint Triathalon I think it is on May 2nd in Airdire, a sprint triathalon in Fort Macleod in August and my 5KM Climb of Hope Run in September.

I am looking forward to the new challenges and goals for 2011 and hope they will help make me a better person.

1 comment:

  1. Great goals- I think Matt and I are going to adopt the first one. Maybe we can car pool sometimes and Jonas can go to my Auntie's or one of Matt's brothers' places in Edmonton.
