Jul 31, 2011


What, can you believe it, I know I sure can't. Mark did win the coin toss but when we were there at the ultrasound I wanted to know so bad that he was kind, and generous enough to let us find out. I am so glad we found out because I thought for sure like 99.9% we were having a boy. Not even because of the test we took, I was just feeling very strongly that it was a boy and had lots of signs saying it was a boy, but I guess we are not beating the Dudley odd's and adding to the 11 to 3 ratio of girls to boys making it 12 to 3. I am so happy I can start preparing now and start getting the nursery ready. I can't wait to see her beautiful face and see what a combination of a hunsperger and a dudley make.


  1. So fun!!!! She will be so cute!! Now let the shopping begin eh? Can't wait to see pics of what you are doing for the nursery etc and all the fun stuff you buy her! Do you guys have names yet? or are you keeping those secret till the big day?

  2. nope no secret we are going to name her Macy, we are still deciding on the middle name. I like Rian after my brother in law and Mark likes Ray so we will have to wait and see.

  3. You have to spell her name with an "ie" after her favorite auntie, Keltie. Also "y" is really hard for a kid to learn to write, its one of the hardest letters. Just kidding, but I do like IE better, I think it looks cutier for a girl.
