Dec 7, 2011


I have been a house wife is the term you could use for over 7 years now, and in those seven years I have never made stew, meatloaf, a turkey dinner (have helped with this one though) and probably many other traditional meals. I have decided with my new role as stay at home mother this is going to change. So today I made my first Beef Stew, had to call my mom for one questions, but other then that I did it all on my own and it was crazy easy and as I eat it right now super delicious. I don't know why I hold myself back so much in things and get scared to try new things. Especially when it comes to food and crafts. In these past two weeks I have tried two new meals now and both turned out delicious. The best part is I made enough to get a freezer meal out of it. As of right now I have 7 freezer meals sitting in my freezer and am adding another one tomorrow. Hoping this help once baby comes.

p.s. if anyone has any really good freezer meal's please send my way, I would like to get about 4 to 6 more made before Macie comes, especially if she is late.

1 comment:

  1. I have a really good meatloaf receipe I will send you. I will also try to bring you some freezer meals or make some when we are there.
