Dec 7, 2011


Yesterday I had my 39 week Doctor's Appointment. We started off with the usual, checking blood pressure, asking questions. Then we hopped up on the table to see where baby was sitting (and she has dropped, yay) and to listen to her heartbeat. As we were finishing up she told me that lots of walking helps (and I told her we go for a good 40 minute to one hour walk every night) and then she looks at Mark and says "Also Make him happy" at first Mark did not know what she was talking about, but then realized what she said and had this cute giddy smirk on his face. Then the even better news came, if she is not hear by next week we schedule an Induction for the 21st of December. Which means for sure we will be meeting our little one in 14 days. Forever it felt like this was never going to happen, but know with a for sure date in sight I can really start my count down and if she comes sooner great if not I will have about two weeks.


  1. Knowing a date is a relief :) Oh Mark!

  2. Awww, so glad for you guys! Knowing a date sure is a relief. I still think she'll comme sooner :).

  3. ha ha ha ha ha."make him happy" lol!

  4. Do hundreds of jumping jacks and lots of heavy lifting and I think Anita uses caster oil and all her babies have been early. Get that little girl here ASAP we are dying to meet her.

  5. Have to agree, make Mark happy, should do the trick. Broke my water twice that way--tmi! haha Plus I got my membranes stripped, helped both times. You can ask if your doc will do it. :)
