Aug 17, 2013

Macie's a BIG Girl!!!

Well Macie's first night in a big girl bed started out on a bad note, she had a total melt down and was crying so bad she couldn't control herself. Finally I went into her bed and she followed me, cuddling and trying not to cry. I finally decided to leave the room and see what would happen, she cried for a bit and you could hear her try and open the door, about 10 minutes later though pure silence. The silence stayed for a good 15 minutes and I thought for sure she had passed out, it was now just going to see if it was on the floor or in her bed. We thought for sure she would be on the floor. We opened the door and there was her adorable little body on her bed covered in blankets and fast asleep. Sad she had a melt down tonight but so happy she went and put herself in to bed and finally fell asleep. Such a big girl she is becoming. 

1 comment:

  1. Aw, it comes so fast! When your new little one comes you will be even more surprised at how much more grown up Macie seems.
