Aug 26, 2013

Some funny things about Macie

 1. She is in love with olives. She loves to put them on her finger like daddy showed her and devour them. 

2. She has her own crazy language, that she speaks at the top of her lungs to anybody that will listen, even if you are not listening she will get right in your face and try and get you to listen. I will try and post a video I have of her talking, but usually video doesn't work lately on my blog.

3. She is obsessed with Nemo, this morning I asked her what she dreamt about and she told me Nemo. She will put herself to sleep at night by calling out Nemos name, and it is the only show she asks us to watch. She also cries when the movie is over and says  bye bye Nemo with tears. 

4. She could eat Cheerios for every single meal. In the morning she wakes up goes to the cupboard and pulls out her box of Cheerios. If I ever ask her what she wants to eat she always says Cheerios, in the most adorable way. 

5. She always calls poop, pee. If she poops her diaper she comes and tells me that she peed. 

There are a lot of pretty wonderful things about this little girl that I like to write about but thought a post about her silly things would be a fun memory, as I hope to never forget them. 

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