Feb 10, 2014

Drive Me Crazy

There are some things in my life that are driving me absolutely crazy, so I thought maybe if I just write about them and get them off my chest I can grow up, move on and see how silly I am for getting so worked up over these things. So here is the list...

1. My Hair, I hate the way the hairdresser cut it, it looks awful, nothing like what I asked for, plus I also hate this stage it is in off falling out non-stop, when I brush it it is a knotted disaster no matter how much I condition, to sum it up I Hate my Hair. It was like this after Macie as well, it wasn't until she was about 8 months old before it started feeling normal again.

2. The Weather, I am so cabin fever it is not even funny, I never realized how hard it was going to be to get out of the house with a newborn.

3. Sick kids, Macie has been sick for about two months now with a cold/fever, It will go away for a week and then come back for 10 days, then go away for a week then come back for 10 days. It is really hard to establish routines in life when you constintely have to reschedule your life due to a sick kid.

4. These extra 15 lbs I can not lose, which brings me to another point, that nothing fits me. I have one pair of jeans, two pairs of leggings and 4 shirts that I can wear. I love my wardrobe and I want it back so bad. The weight just fell off with Macie but with Wade I lost the first 30 lbs so quickly it was crazy but these last 15 to 20 lbs will not go away. It is not even so much about being skinny I just really want more clothes to wear, and don't wanna spend the money to go and buy new ones.

5. That I am so mixed up with my feelings right now. I have gone back to work two days a week for those that don't know yet. I love it but my feelings are all over the place right now. I want the best of both worlds but know it can't happen. I want to be a stay at home mom, but I also want a full time optical career. I seriously change my mind on an hourly basis.

6. One of Wade's cry. He has this one really soft deep raspy cry that I actually love it when he does it, not that I don't try and comfort him so it stops but I love holding him and having him cry that wonderful sound in my ear, but there is this one cry he does that makes you want to ripe your hair out, literally. It is so loud it is unbelievable. You honestly would think the child is being tortured. I get so grumpy and angry so quickly with everybody when we starts crying that way.

Well there she be my big whiny list of annoyences, know I just need to find a way to suck it up and move on with life and be happy for what I have and start to look more at the positives in life and all the good that is happening. 

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