Jan 29, 2016

A whole day with Macie

Yesterday Mark took the day of work so me and Macie could go to Lloydminster and watch the live theatre showing of Annie Jr at the Vic Juba Theatr. We left around 1:00 and had such an enjoyable drive up talking and singing songs from Annie. We got there nice and early so we could do some shopping, cause you can't have a Mommy/daughter date without shopping. We first got some tap shoes for dance class, then went to sports check and got Macie some work out clothes as she is excited to run on the treadmill like Mommy. Then we went to winners and got a couple cute sundresses for spring. After some good shopping we went to Vic Juba as we paid for the dinner they had before the show. The food was good and we sat with some lovely people who thought Macie was just the cutest. Next was the play, the kids did such a good job, and the girl who played Annie was outstanding. After the play Macie wanted to meet Annie so bad. We went and found her and it was so cute. Annie got on her knees to talk to her and Macie told her she liked her dance and singing, me and Annie's mom had to get a picture of her favourite fan. It was seriously beyond adorable to see how much Macie loved her. She asks me all the time know to look at the picture of her and Annie. Such a great time with my little girl 

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