Jan 26, 2016


So back in November both me and Mark got called as Sunday School teachers, Mark for the adult class and me for a youth class. I was super excited as I have been actually wanting to teach youth sunday school for awhile now. For the past month though I have been having these feelings that a change was coming, I brushed it off as I didn't want that to happen as I love my calling right now so much. Then two weeks ago the 2nd councillor in the Relief Society stopped by to visit and see how I was doing since we moved in. While having our visit she informed me that her family will be moving in the summer as her Husband works for the military and was reassigned to Montreal. I had this feeling in my heart that I was going to get called into Relief Society. I again shock it off and said no way, I am not compassionate enough to be in Relief Society and we just moved here, there is no way I would get called in that soon. While this past Saturday I got a phone call from Bro. Stonehocker that he wanted Me to meet with Bro. Hatch (1st councillor in the Bishopric) My mind and heart went nuts and I tried not to think about it all day and night and just put it out of my thoughts. Sunday Morning Mark and I went in to meet with Bro. Hatch and he informed me they were calling a whole new Relief Society Presidency and that Sis Melanie Ellis will be the President and has asked for you to be her 1st councillor. I about died, even though I kind of new it was coming, I really never thought those words were going to come out of his mouth. I am so unbelievably nervous, that I will not do a good job, that I will not meet the expectations of the sisters, that I will not help the President they way she needs me to. I am excited for the opportunity I have to work with such amazing sisters, and to find maybe some strengths I didn't know I had. I know the only way I will do my calling well though is with the help of my Saviour and the support of my family.

1 comment:

  1. You will be great! I have loved serving with you years ago. Our Heavenly Father will carry you through it.
