Sep 9, 2017


Why are we here, why are we already at this point in Macie's life. In some ways I am happy, Macie and Wade fought more this summer then they have there whole life probably. Macie is starting to outgrow playing Dinosours and Paw Patrol with Wade, and is enjoying doing more structured things throughout the day. Not that they fought a lot, but definitely had to find more things for them to do separately and had to intervene when they played sometimes as the fighting was leading to hitting and meltdowns. Playing at the park and the beach going for lots of walks and bike rides kept them pretty happy and mom sane, but come winter we won't be able to do that all day long, so having Macie in school and Wade in Pre-school will definitely help. I just hate that they are gone all day and all week. I wish school was only 3 days a week, until middle school. I do enjoy my space and some time to myself, but over all I enjoy spending time with my kids and I am really going to miss having them home with me. Thank goodness for Kansas.

So Macie started school on Wednesday, but only went for 2 hours, then Friday was her first official full day, then Monday it Starts. All day, 5 days a week. Which is crazy to me. I am so glad I held her back and definitely know that that was the right decision to make for our family and for Macie. Her Teacher is Mme Valerie and she is in the French Immersion program. Her school is literally in our backyard and on Friday I loved spying on her for recess and watching her running around and playing. I hope she has a great year learning and making new friends.

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