Oh my goodness this week has been so boring. I have worked the past four shifts at work all by myself except for 3 hours. I feel bad for Maria my part time, because I don't think I shut up for the whole 3 hours I worked with her. As well work has been so slow, this has to be the slowest week we have ever had. My poor hubby also got an ear full the other night. He is so sweet though, I could tell he was exhausted and just wanted to fall asleep, but I could not help my talking.
Even with how boring my week has been, it is deffinately better than last week's craziness. Actually besides work being dreadfully boring things have been going really well this week.
I ran 4 miles last night and have never felt better. I still can't believe how different I feel with just one month of working out and eating healthy.
I get so much more sleep at night, thus feeling less tired throughout the day.
I have lossed 10 pounds and can no longer fit into my fat pants.
I can run 4 miles and not feel tired and sore only have more energy and want to run another 4 tonight maybe even 5.
Feel better about myself and are making so many better decisions in my whole life. I find myself hardly ever wasting time. I spend no more than 20 minutes a day on the Internet checking e-mails and blogs. The rest of my time is spent working, studying, exercising, eating healthy, reading, pre-paring for talks and the Adult sunday school lesson ( so nervous doing it this sunday for the first time in my life) walking my dogs and spending quality time with my hubby.
Look at me I am so bored I have rambled on for two more paragraphs.
We'll I should go pay some invoices, probably should not even be bloging at work, but can't help it so BORED!!!!