Feb 28, 2012

F.H.E. Swimming

Tonight we decided to go swimming for F.H.E. We took Macie swimming for the first time this past Thursday with Annika and Cole and she loved watching all the people, so we thought it would be fun to take her again. She was so adorable kicking in the water and watching everybody play, and come down the slide. She lasted for almost a whole entire hour, but then was starting to get tired. She looked especially cute in her little bathing suite tonight. Thank you Lara for the adorable gift.


  1. All these new pictures of Macie are adorable but I especially love this one! Those cute little thighs! I wish we lived closer so we could take our kiddos swimming together! We'll have to put it on the summer to-do list when we come visit you in Lloyd. Jonas and I banked a lot of time in that Lloyd pool!
