Feb 28, 2012


About two months ago we started planning for Macie's blessing and thought it would be a good idea to also throw my Dad a 60th birthday party as he was in arizona when he had his birthday. We also thought since Mark's birthday was going to be that Saturday we should probably celebrate his as well seeing as he was turning the big 30! So we started planning away, we got my mom to pick up dad's awesome birthday present from us kids in the states as it was way cheaper. Then we booked the servus sports center seeing as at the time there was going to be close to 50 people coming up for Macie's blessing. I ordered a cake and we thought we would do pizza and games at our house afterwards. So all the plans were in place and set until mother nature decided to run a muck. Not only did most of Mark's family not be able to make it up thanks to this horrible weather that graced us this weekend all of my family arrived late. With it starting to look like nothing was going to work out I gave up all hope for what this wonderful weekend was suppose to be. We got to the sports center and all the local family showed up and even with it being few numbers we had an absolute blast. So worth every penny spent on renting out the gym even if it was just for the locals. Then when we got home with the pizza and cake my mom and dad (the guest of honor) and the Halls had finally arrived. So we partied the night away eating tons of pizza, delicious cake, Dad opening his awesome present from us kids, and visiting with everybody. We also bought an air hockey table the other day so there was many games being played there. It was a blast and I am sad so many others missed it but so happy that everything still worked out and we had so much fun, celebrating two amazing men in my life birthdays.


  1. The roads were awful, sorry it didn't work out for everyone to come. Happy Birthday Mark!

  2. So sad we missed out, but I'm glad things went so well for you guys! Macie looks like she's growing fast and is absolutely adorable!
